Engineering is a discipline through which we can solve our problems. It is the designing, testing and building of machines, structures and processes using mathematics and science. Engineering can be divided into four main categories like Civil, Chemical, Electrical and Mechanical. Engineering is the use of Mathematics and scientific principles to design and build machines, structures and other items like roads, bridges, vehicles, tunnels and buildings.
Machinery and equipment developed from the application of scientific knowledge is called technology. The word ‘technology’ comes from two Greek word- techno and logos. Techne means skill, art and craft or the way by which a thing is gained. On the other hand, Logos means word, the utterance by which inward thought is expressed or an expression. Technology helps people and made possible of their works of life to have access to different resources.
Tags : Engineering and Technology Event, Engineering and Technology International event, Engineering and Technology Internatioal Event 2025, Engineering and Technology Events, Upcoming Events in Engineering and Technology , International Events in Engineering and Technology, Academic Events in Engineering and Technology, International Engineering and Technology Events 2025, Upcoming Concerts in Engineering and Technology, International Workshops in Engineering and Technology, Engineering Events in Engineering and Technology