Health is the state of being free from illness or injury-physically, mentally, socially, emotionally and spiritually. It is not only the absence of disease. But It is said to be free of any type of disease and make their social relationships are healthy in society. Feeling good about yourself and taking care of your health are important for your respect and self image.
Medicine is a drug or other preparation for the treatment of prevention of disease. Medicines are liquid, tablet, capsules, topical medicines, suppositories, drops, inhalers, injections etc. Basic medicine involves the study of the basic structure and functions of the human body.
Tags : Health and Medicine Event, Health and Medicine International event, Health and Medicine Internatioal Event 2024, Health and Medicine Events, Upcoming Events in Health and Medicine , International Events in Health and Medicine, Academic Events in Health and Medicine, International Health and Medicine Events 2024, Upcoming Concerts in Health and Medicine, International Workshops in Health and Medicine, Engineering Events in Health and Medicine