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2025 9th International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing and Materials (ICAMM 2025)

Know More About Event : 2025 9th International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing and Materials (ICAMM 2025), will be held in Oxford, United Kingdom during July 8-11, 2025. ICAMM 2025 is organized after ICAMM 2024 held in Edinburgh, ICAMM 2023 held in Cambridge, ICAMM 2022 & ICAMM 2021 & ICAMM 2020 held virtually, ICAMM 2019 held in Beihang University, Beijing, China. ICAMM 2018 held in Tokyo, Japan during June 11-13, 2018. ICAMM 2017 held in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong during June 25-27, 2017. ICAMM focuses on the advanced manufacturing and materials research. The applications of advanced manufacturing and materials to such domains as Multi-scale and/or Multi-disciplinary Approaches, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Fundamentals et al. It is a technical congregation where the latest theoretical and technological advances are presented and discussed.

  • 2025-07-08 TO 2025-07-11
  • Oxford, England, United Kingdom



Engineering and Technology


Oxford, England, United Kingdom


2025-07-08 - 2025-07-11


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Tags : Engineering and Technology conference, Engineering and Technology event, Engineering and Technology Internatioal conference, Engineering and Technology conference, Upcoming Engineering and Technology Conference, International Engineering and Technology Conference, Academic Engineering and Technology Conference, InternationalEngineering and Technology Conference 2024,

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