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2025 the 8th International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology (ICNST 2025)

Know More About Event : 2025 the 8th International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology (ICNST 2025) will be held in Chiang Mai, Thailand during July 2-5, 2025. ICNST 2025 focuses on the fascinating nano-world, mesoscopic physics, analysis with atomic resolution, nano and quantum-effect devices, nanomechanics and atomic-scale processes and so on. ICNST 2024 is aiming to convene experts around the world to present their research works and discuss the present hot topics in the field of nano science and technology. ICNST will be held every year to make it an ideal platform for people to share views and experiences in nanoscience and technology and related areas.

  • 2025-07-02 TO 2025-07-05
  • Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai, Thailand



Engineering and Technology


Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai, Thailand


2025-07-02 - 2025-07-05


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Tags : Engineering and Technology conference, Engineering and Technology event, Engineering and Technology Internatioal conference, Engineering and Technology conference, Upcoming Engineering and Technology Conference, International Engineering and Technology Conference, Academic Engineering and Technology Conference, InternationalEngineering and Technology Conference 2024,

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