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2025 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Power Science and Technology (ICPST 2025)

Know More About Event : We are pleased to announce that 2025 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Power Science and Technology (ICPST) is to be held in Kunming, Yunnan, China on May 16-18, 2025. The conference is sponsored by Kunming University of Science and Technology (KUST), hosted by School of Electrical Power Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, School of Automation, Central South University, School of Automation, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), patrons with Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Northeast Electric Power University, Guizhou University, and Test Department of Electric Power Dispatch Automation System and Equipment (Nanjing)-China Electric Power Research Institute, China Southern Power Grid, Yunnan International Co.,LED, IEEE PES China WIP, media supports from Journal of Protection and Control of Modern Power System (PCMP), Journal of Power System Protection and Control, Journal of Electric Power Construction (EPC), Proceedings of the CSEE, Journal of Power System Technology, Journal of High Voltage Engineering, Journal of Electric Power Information and Communication Technology, CESS Journal of Power and Energy Systems, Journal of High Voltage, Journal of New Type Power Systems, Journal of Information Processing in Agriculture (INPA), Journal of Global Energy Interconnection, Journal of Thermal Power Generation, Journal of Power Generation Technology, Journal of Electric Power, Journal of Automation of Electric Power Systems, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy.

  • 2025-05-16 TO 2025-05-18
  • Kunming, Yunnan, China

The SCIence and Engineering Institute


Engineering and Technology


Kunming, Yunnan, China


2025-05-16 - 2025-05-18


Tags : Engineering and Technology conference, Engineering and Technology event, Engineering and Technology Internatioal conference, Engineering and Technology conference, Upcoming Engineering and Technology Conference, International Engineering and Technology Conference, Academic Engineering and Technology Conference, InternationalEngineering and Technology Conference 2024,

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