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7th Lasers Optics and Photonics Summit (Optics Meet - 2024)

Know More About Event : Welcome to the 7th Lasers, Optics and Photonics Summit..! After the grand success of six global conferences, We are delighted to announce the 7th Laser, Optics and Photonics Summit (Optics Meet 2024) which will be held during December 16-17, 2024 at Osaka, Japan. Optics Meet 2024 will focus on the theme "Explore the Standardized Development of Optics, Photonics & Lasers" Optics, lasers, and photonics are interconnected fields that deal with the science, technology, and applications of light. Together, optics, lasers, and photonics form a multidisciplinary field with applications in various industries and research areas. They play a crucial role in fields like telecommunications, medicine, manufacturing, environmental monitoring, and scientific research. The advancements in these areas have led to breakthroughs in technologies such as fiber optics, laser surgery, optical imaging, high-speed communications, and many others.

  • 2024-12-13 TO 2024-12-17
  • Osaka, Ōsaka Prefecture, Japan

Spectus Meetings Worlds




Osaka, Ōsaka Prefecture, Japan


2024-12-13 - 2024-12-17


Event Contact No.

+1 602 400 1709

Tags : Workshop conference, Workshop event, Workshop Internatioal conference, Workshop conference, Upcoming Workshop Conference, International Workshop Conference, Academic Workshop Conference, InternationalWorkshop Conference 2024,

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