Know More About Event : Plant viruses cause global and regional economic and societal losses, being responsible for a significant proportion of devastating emergent and re-emergent plant diseases. The AAB ‘International Advances in Plant Virology (IAPV)’ conference has a broad remit where we invite participation from scientists who are interested in all aspects of plant virology. These research areas might be on the molecular mechanisms of plant-virus interactions; the applied consequences of plant virus infection; evolutionary and ecological aspects of plant viruses and exploring how plant viruses can be utilised in biotechnology.
Main Event
Engineering and Technology
, , Spain
2025-04-08 - 2025-04-11
Tags : Engineering and Technology conference, Engineering and Technology event, Engineering and Technology Internatioal conference, Engineering and Technology conference, Upcoming Engineering and Technology Conference, International Engineering and Technology Conference, Academic Engineering and Technology Conference, InternationalEngineering and Technology Conference 2025,